Angle Measurement(앵글측정)
Angle encoders앵 글 엔코더(angle encoder)라 함은 정밀도가 ± 5"이상 라인카운트가10000이상인 엔코더를 말한다. 이러한 각도측정 엔코더는 NC rotary table, 공작기계에서의 회전형 헤드, 분할테이블, 초정밀 각도측정 테이블, 안테나, 및 망원경등에 사용된다.Rotary encoders로 터리 엔코더는 회전운동, 각속도등을 감지하는 센서이며 리드스크류에 연결하여 사용할 경우는 직선거리 측정에도 응용될 수 있다. 모터, 공작기계, 프린터, 목공기계, 섬유기계, 로보트 및 이송기기 등 여러형태의 측정, 검사기기에 사용된다. With incremental angle encoders and rotary encoders, the current position is determined by starting at a datum and counting measuring steps, or by subdividing and counting signal periods. Incremental encoders from HEIDENHAIN feature reference marks, which must be scanned after switch-on to reestablish the datum. Incremental rotary encoders with commutation signalssupply the angular shaft position value - without requiring previous traverse - with sufficient accuracy to correctly control the phases of the rotating field of a permanent-magnet three-phase motor. Absolut angle encoders and rotary encoders require no previous traverse to provide the current position value. Singleturn encoders provide the current angular position value within one revolution, while multiturn encoders can distinguish between revolutions. Absolute angle encoders and rotary encoders from HEIDENHAIN provide the position values over an EnDat, SSI, PROFIBUS-DP or other serial data interface. The EnDat PROFIBUS-DP bidirectional interfaces enable automatic configuration of the higher-level electronics and provide moitoring and diagnostic functions. With programmable rotary encoders, the user can adjust various encoder functions and parameters from a PC with provided software.
Magnetic Modular Encoders
The robust ERM magnetic modular encoders are especially suited for use in production machines. Their large possible inside diameters as well as the small dimensions and compact design of the scanning head predestine them for:
- The C axis of lathes
- Spindle orientation on milling machines
- Auxiliary axes