목록플랜트/설비 (1324)
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제품코드G047260판매 회사명(주)알엠케이연락처055-353-5827홈페이지-제품홍보관http://blog.yeogie.com/rmktube LL-Fin Tube LL-Fin Tube is manufactured in the same way as the "L" finned tube type except that the fin foot is overlapped to completely enclose the base tube thereby giving excellent corrosion resistance. This type of finned tube is often used as an alternative to the more expensive extruded type fin in corrosive en..
제품코드G047259판매 회사명(주)알엠케이연락처055-353-5827홈페이지-제품홍보관http://blog.yeogie.com/rmktube L-Fin Tube Foot Finned Tubes are utilized into an heat exchanger, which does not exceed near 400 degrees, and used primarily in air-cooled applications (including large radiators and large compressor oil coolers). L-foot tension wound finned tubes consist of thin aluminum fin strip tightly wound helically around the ..
제품코드G047215판매 회사명탑콘트롤상사연락처042-824-7001홈페이지-제품홍보관- ※ 출처 : 여기에 기계플라자 - [G047215] Pressure Controllers
제품코드G047213판매 회사명탑콘트롤상사연락처042-824-7001홈페이지-제품홍보관- ※ 출처 : 여기에 기계플라자 - [G047213] Mass Flow Controllers
제품코드G046375판매 회사명모터펌프삼주연락처043-216-6964홈페이지-제품홍보관http://blog.yeogie.com/sjpump 배관자재 ※ 출처 : 여기에 기계플라자 - [G046375] 배관자재
제품코드G045591판매 회사명파워링시스템연락처051-319-2351홈페이지-제품홍보관http://blog.yeogie.com/prnara2351 ※ 출처 : 여기에 기계플라자 - [G045591] PAN CHECH VALVE
제품코드G045527판매 회사명(주)MTS연락처061-763-7900홈페이지-제품홍보관- ※ 출처 : 여기에 기계플라자 - [G045527] Damper