목록습도계 (34)
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제품코드G059104판매 회사명이플러스이코리아(주)연락처031-732-6050홈페이지-제품홍보관http://blog.yeogie.com/epluse EE10 트랜스미터는 주거지나 사무실의 HVAC를 위한 실내용 트랜스미터입니다. 현대적이고 기능적인 하우징은 쉬운 설치와 서비스를 위한 센서의 빠른 교체가 가능합니다. 온도 출력은 일반 타입과 패시브 타입이 있으며 EE10의 온도 출력과 측정값은 디스플레이창에서 쉽게 확인할 수 있습니다.※ 출처 : 여기에 기계플라자 - [G059104] HVAC용 월형 온도 트랜스미터
제품코드G059103판매 회사명이플러스이코리아(주)연락처031-732-6050홈페이지-제품홍보관http://blog.yeogie.com/epluse EE471 sensors are used for temperature measurement inapplications where a separate housing with remote probe isrequired for installation.Various types of sensing elements such as Pt1000, NTC10kor Ni1000 are available. Due to an innovative production and housing concept a highprotection class IP65 can be provided. ..
제품코드G059101판매 회사명이플러스이코리아(주)연락처031-732-6050홈페이지-제품홍보관http://blog.yeogie.com/epluse Cable sensors for temperature measurement are used inheating, ventilation and air conditioning systems as well asfor process control.Several types of sensing elements such as Pt1000, NTC10kor Ni1000 are available.Due to an innovative production concept (star pressing of thesensor sleeve) a high protection class IP..
제품코드G059098판매 회사명이플러스이코리아(주)연락처031-732-6050홈페이지-제품홍보관http://blog.yeogie.com/epluse The EE451 sensors are used for temperature measurementin heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems enabling weather-dependent temperature regulation.Various types of sensing elements such as Pt1000, NTC10k or Ni1000 are available. The innovative enclosure concept (IP65) with a mountingbracket allows for ea..
제품코드G059093판매 회사명이플러스이코리아(주)연락처031-732-6050홈페이지-제품홍보관http://blog.yeogie.com/epluse EE441 strap-on sensors are used for temperature measurementon round ducts and pipes. Typical applications are heating systems (warm and coldwater pipes) and solar collectors. Various types of sensingelements such as Pt1000, NTC10k or Ni1000 are available. The innovative IP65 housing and the mounting concept allowf..
제품코드G059092판매 회사명이플러스이코리아(주)연락처031-732-6050홈페이지-제품홍보관http://blog.yeogie.com/epluse The EE431 duct sensor is used for air temperature measurement in heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems. It can be installed either with mounting flange or via external mounting holes at the enclosure. For temperature measurement in liquids the duct sensor EE431 is mounted with an immersion well. Variou..
제품코드G040806판매 회사명(주)화일인스트루먼트연락처02-2637-0637홈페이지-제품홍보관http://blog.yeogie.com/dwyer ※ 출처 : 여기에 기계플라자 - [G040806] 습도계
신제품디지털온습도계제품코드G035552판매가격가격협의제품분류측정/계측/검사/시험기 > 온도계제품사양온도, 습도, 시간 표시모델명TESTEK-303A NEW제조사알수없음판매지역전국거래방식직거래제조년도2100 년A/S여부가능설치 및 시운전가능세금계산서가능제조국가-제품 QR코드등록자정보회사명디오전기전자담당자디오전기전자전화번호051-319-4906휴대전화***이메일help@doele.co.kr홈페이지http://doele.co.kr주소부산 부산산업용품상가 1동(구역) 108호제품홍보관http://blog.yeogie.com/doele제품상세정보 ※ 출처 : 여기에 기계플라자 - [G035552] 디지털온습도계