목록측정/계측/검사/시험기 (2813)
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제품코드G050411판매 회사명일광전열금속연락처053-351-9905홈페이지-제품홍보관http://blog.yeogie.com/ikig 온도센서계입니다. ※ 출처 : 여기에 기계플라자 - [G050411] 테프론 PT 100Ω센서
제품코드G050415판매 회사명일광전열금속연락처053-351-9905홈페이지-제품홍보관http://blog.yeogie.com/ikig 온도센서는 주문에 따라 다양한 形으로 제작 가능합니다. ※ 출처 : 여기에 기계플라자 - [G050415] 일반형 온도센서
제품코드G050417판매 회사명일광전열금속연락처053-351-9905홈페이지-제품홍보관http://blog.yeogie.com/ikig Pin Sensor (핀센서)는 보통 1Ø 부터 제작 가능합니다. ※ 출처 : 여기에 기계플라자 - [G050417] 핀(Pin)형 온도센서
제품코드G050519판매 회사명원스랩연락처031-687-8787홈페이지-제품홍보관http://blog.yeogie.com/wonslab Polarizing Microscope ECLIPSE LV100POL Outstanding optical performance, perfect for a wide variety of imaging applications and polarizing techniques Diascopic illumination typeThe newly developed high-intensity 50W halogen light source is brighter than a conventional 100W halogen lamp. Low power comsumption means less he..
제품코드G050518판매 회사명원스랩연락처031-687-8787홈페이지-제품홍보관http://blog.yeogie.com/wonslab EPI-Flurosence MicroscopeECLIPSE Ni-E/Ni-U Ni-E (focusing stage) configured with motorized epi-fluorescence illuminator, motorized condenser and motorized quadrocular tilting tube Ni-E (focusing nosepiece) configured with motorized excitation and barrier filter wheels, motorized epi-fluorescence illuminator, confocal mic..
제품코드G050517판매 회사명원스랩연락처031-687-8787홈페이지-제품홍보관http://blog.yeogie.com/wonslab Evolutional stereo microscopeNikon has developed an all-new stereo microscope that features a large zoom ratio of 25:1, high resolution and exceptional fluorescence transmission capability to respond to increasing demand for imaging systems that span spatial scales from single cells to whole organisms. SMZ25Motorized zoo..
제품코드G050516판매 회사명원스랩연락처031-687-8787홈페이지-제품홍보관http://blog.yeogie.com/wonslab Inverted Research MicroscopeECLIPSE TiThe inverted microscope series at the center of bioscience's most advanced imaging techniques Scientists have overcome many live cell imaging challenges using advanced techniques such as TIRF, confocal, FRET, photo activation and microinjection. At the center of all this is the ECLIP..
제품코드G050515판매 회사명원스랩연락처031-687-8787홈페이지-제품홍보관http://blog.yeogie.com/wonslab Fixed Stage Microscope for Electrophysiological Research ECLIPSE FN1Visualizes minute details within thick specimens with perfect clarity in patch-clamp experiments Configuration with Narishige equipmentThe ECLIPSE FN1?developed especially for electrophysiological research?features enhanced operability in every aspect to..